
Frail Elder Waiver (FEW)

Home- and Community Based Services Waivers make needed community supports available to MassHealth-eligible people who would otherwise need facility-based care. The Frail Elder Waiver (FEW) is a Home and Community Based Services waiver program that makes such supports available to Massachusetts residents aged 60 and older. FEW supports individuals with a variety of needs that can be met with supports ranging from basic to intensive levels.



  • Age of 60 years or older
  • Age 60-64 has been determined to have a long term disability
  • Meet the MassHealth income criteria of 300% FPL and asset limit of $2000.  Spousal asset allowance $154,140
  • Enrolled in a Home Care Program through an ASAP and receiving at least one waiver approved service per month.
  • Meet the clinical eligibility which is determined by an ASAP RN.



  • A referral to ESWA for an assessment for Home Care eligibility (must reside in the ESWA catchment area).
  • Once determined eligible for Home Care the elder must accept and receive at least one waiver approved service per month.
  • Complete the Senior Affordable Care Act (SACA) MassHealth Application, the Long Term Care supplement (A) and provide the required verifications.
  • A clinical screening will be completed by an ASAP RN and if eligible the screening determination is mailed to MassHealth along with the completed SACA application.


If applying for the FEW for enrollment in the Program for all-Inclusive Care for Elders (PACE) or a Senior Care Options (SCO) contact that agency for the FEW.


If applying for the FEW for enrollment in the Personal Care Attendant (PCA), Adult Family/Foster Care (AFC); or Group Adult Foster Care (GAFC) programs the waiver service through the Home Care program can not be duplicative of the services in either the PCA or AFC programs.


FEW is a MassHealth program. The Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) is responsible for the day-to-day operation of this waiver program.


For more information please contact ESWA’s Information & Referral Unit at 508-756-1545, or [email protected]

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