
Housing Options

What housing options are available for seniors?


Click on the heading below to learn more about that housing option:


Assisted Living Facility

This type of residence combines an apartment with a variety of support services, depending on the needs of the elder. Services may include meals, assistance with medications, housekeeping and laundry, and help with personal care. Clients with serious medical conditions that require intensive care are generally not appropriate for this setting. The Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs approves and monitors these programs across the state. Residents sign an annual residential contract or lease and pay a monthly fee or rent that covers the cost of support services provided. This cost can vary depending on the accommodations and level of service provided. Most residents pay privately for their placement at an Assisted Living Facility. Medicaid may cover the cost of placement, though only through what is called the Group Adult Foster Care program. This program is not available at all facilities.


It is important to remember that there are Ombudsman Programs available that can help to address concerns or problems that arise during an elder’s placement. To learn more about the Assisted Living Ombudsman Program, click here.


Contact us at 508-756-1545, or online using our Inquiry Form to access a list of Assisted Living Programs in and near our service area.


Rest Home or Residential Care Facility

A Rest Home or Residential Care Facility is another possibility. These facilities provide a more affordable alternative to elders in need of continuous supervision but who do not routinely require medical or nursing care. Services include a homelike environment, meals, 24-hour supervision, and more. These facilities are licensed by the Department of Public Health. Some Rest Homes even have special licenses for caring for clients with mental health problems, and are referred to as “community support” Rest Homes. Payment for Rest Home placement is often done privately, or there are some government programs which can help – each facility can tell you more about payment options available to you. Click here to get a list of Rest Homes in our service area.


Public and Subsidized housing

There are many public and subsidized housing buildings and complexes in Worcester for elders who are able to stay on their own. You can contact us for a list of these locations and information about how to apply.

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