
Provider Information

Does Elder Services of Worcester Area hire its own workers?

No. We contract with providers to deliver services to elders.


What does your agency do?

For a basic description of what Elder Services of Worcester Area does, please refer to Elder Services- Basic Information About Us – Questions 1-4.


What services does your agency provide?

Please refer to the For Our Provider section of this website for service definitions.


How can I be listed as an interested provider?

Call or write our agency asking for information or to arrange for an informational meeting with our Administrative Services Manager.


What rate do you pay?

Rates of reimbursement vary depending on the type of service that we are contracting for.


How much business can you promise?

We cannot guarantee or make promises as to how much business you will generate from contracting with us.


Who decides which provider will be selected?

The Board of Directors of Elder Services of Worcester Area makes the final decision as to the awarding of contracts.


How long does the process take before a decision is made regarding the application?

The time period varies. It may take as long as (5) five months. Our contracts run from July 1 – June 30.


For More Information pertinent to contracted providers, please refer to the Provider Information section.

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