Five days a week an average of 1,850 Meals on Wheels are delivered by ESWA to home-bound older adults who may otherwise face food insecurity. These meals feed your neighbors, your family and your friends.
Our Meals on Wheels Program continues to grow; and we need YOUR help!
Our goal is for every family and every business who views this webpage to support this essential program, and overall, a stronger community boasting care and independence for our aging population. Every amount makes a difference and is one step closer in ending food insecurity!
Visit Nutrition Program webpage
¿Por qué comidas al domicilio?
17 Types of Meals On Wheels Infographic
View Meals On Wheels Infographic – From concept to your table
The Nutrition Project is administered by Elder Services of Worcester Area, Inc. and receives federal financial support under the Older Americans Act provided by the Central Massachusetts Agency on Aging and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs. Funders also include United Way of Central Massachusetts, Greater Worcester Community Foundation, local Councils on Aging, participant donations, grants and individual support.